DMACC Ames Hunziker Center
About the project
The DMACC Hunziker Center is a 34,000 sq. ft. facility located on the eastern edge of Ames. During the day this new facility offers career and technical programs primarily to high school students through a partnership with Story County's seven school districts. Some of the educational programs include state-of-the-art facilities for auto collision, automotice technology, building trades, criminal forensics, culinary arts, health, information technology, teaching academy, web page design, career work experience, and manufacturing technology.
Customer needs
Looking for long term low maintenace signage DMACC needed to obtain visibility on both the nearby Interstate (I-35) and the main road leading into the facility while maintaining the consistancy of their image with the remaining campuses. DMACC also needed the building signs to stay blue during the day and illuminate white at night.
Chesnut Signs was selected to manufacture and install two sets of exterior building signs and one monument sign by the main entrance. The building signs consisted of flush mounted channel letters that were face lit with energy efficient LED's allowing for even illumination and long term low maintenance. The faces were constructed to allow the letters to be a dark blue during the day and illluminate white at night. The monument sign was manufacured with aluminum construction and top coated with a durable satin finish acrylic polyurethane. The letters on the monument sign are aluminum constructed reverse halo lit channel letters illuminated with energy efficient LED's.
Chesnut Signs met the needs of the customer giving great visibility to the facility, allowing the letters to be two different colors, and giving a professional long term low maintenace product. With a qualified team of fabricators, intallers, and managers the project was completed ahead of schedule and on budget.